BH NFT Marketplace Weekly Update — June 2021 Week 2/4

Billion Happiness
3 min readJun 15, 2021


Here are some of our most recent updates this week!

Project progress and Community Events

1.Bought back $BHC and Burnt $HPS

BH NFT team has bought back $727.02 $BHC and burnt $39.34 $HPS using fees collected from the Billion Happiness NFT marketplace. It is effective to support the long-term price stability and value growth of the token.

Below are the transaction links:

Buy back $BHC:

Burnt $HPS:

2.BillionHappiness NFT Creation Airdrop Plan&BillionHappiness NFT Ambassador Program now starts!

The BillionHappiness NFT platform is a NFT marketplace based on BSC and allows for the creation and transaction of NFTs. Users can upload collectibles, submit relative artworks information to complete NFTs creation within just three minutes. They can sell works on the platform as well. On the BillionHappiness NFT platform, users can create NFTs in any forms, including videos, music, gifs, pictures, etc., and target global buyers to enhance transaction opportunities and value growth. The BillionHappiness team seeks to tell everyone through the name BillionHappiness, as literal meaning suggests, that it hopes to bring a series of blockchain products to the public, and enable happy experiences through the artworks. In short, happy value harvest in a happy digital encryption transaction method. At present, the platform encourages a large number of artists, MEME creators, and various NFT innovation pioneers to become the first group of creators.

Please see:

(1)BillionHappiness NFT Creation Airdrop Plan

From June 7th to June 20th, 2021, BillionHappiness will reward all NFT creators who dare to innovate. Participants can get the BillionHappiness airdrop rewards by joining the BillionHappiness NFT platform and become one of the first creators in the BillionHappiness community.

Participation Link:

(2)BillionHappiness NFT Ambassador Program

As a community-driven platform, the development of Billion Happiness NFT platform is closely linked to the community. The BillionHappiness team encourages famous and influential NFT enthusiasts to participate in our development, and to be our community leaders to drive the development of the BillionHappiness NFT community globally and makes BillionHappiness NFT truly popular across the world.

Therefore, the BillionHappiness team releases the Ambassador plan, and cordially invites influencers to participate in the platform development and community governance.

Registration link:

For Regular Updates, Stay Connected With Us!

Official website:

Billion Happiness Twitter (54,000 people):

Billion Happiness NFT Twitter (1928 people):

Medium (379 people):

BH NFT Telegram English Community (1,853 people):

BH NFT Telegram Chinese community (527 people):



Billion Happiness
Billion Happiness

Written by Billion Happiness

Billion Happiness is a blockchain community-based project for Defi, Yield Farming, Staking and NFT Marketplace.

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